Agreement Signing Ceremony and Conference between Service Department for Diplomatic Corps (SDDC), Service Centre for Danang Foreign Affairs (SCEDFA) and Service Company to Foreign Missions (FOSCO)


Following 2016 working plans, on December 01 Service Department for Diplomatic Corps (SDDC) – Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with Service Centre for Danang Foreign Affairs (SCEDFA) and Service Company to Foreign Missions (FOSCO) organised a meeting at FOSCO headquarter; the program included 2 sessions:
 Session 1 was the Agreement Signing Ceremony between SDDC, SCEDFA and FOSCO, the purpose of which was to maintain the good relationships between the 3 organisations in cooperation to welcome in-coming diplomatic corps as well as facilitate out-going ones. The Signing Ceremony also brought about an opportunity to share experiences between the 3 organisations since their assigned missions are similar in the fields of political-foreign affairs and national security-foreign affairs. Through this meeting, each can learn from one another and thus can improve their own services. The Agreement is effective for 3 years since signed.
 Session 2 was the Conference held for SDDC, SCEDFA and FOSCO to discuss and prepare for the upcoming national conference namely “Conference on Cooperation and Management between Organisations who are assigned or delegated by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and local diplomatic service centres as to administer and supervise Vietnamese labour force working for Foreign Non-governmental organisations” expected to take place in Danang after Tet holidays of 2017.
 Mr. Nguyễn Trắc Bá – Head of SDDC was hosting the Conference between SDDC, SCEDFA and FOSCO in which all parties could share their concerns in many aspects, the copperation situations between organisations who are assigned or delegated by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and local diplomatic service centres, the difficulties as well as solutions when applying Decree numbered 75/2014/NĐ-CP dated July 28, 2014 by the Government and Circular numbered 16/2015/TT-BLĐTBXH dated April 22, 2015 by Ministry of Labor, War Invalids, & Social Welfare with regulations and details that follow the Labour Law on recruitment and management as to administer and supervise Vietnamese labour force working for Foreign organisations or individuals.
 Atteding both sessions was Mr. Nguyễn Mạnh Cường – Deputy Chief Inspector of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
 After the conference, small groups were formed to continue discussing on specific topics including recruitment, management as to administer and supervise Vietnamese labour force working for Foreign organisations, housing and insurances, finance & accounting, and many other supporting services.