Internal Audit Department

The Internal Audit Department has the function of providing advice and assistance to the General Director in establishing and organizing the implementation of compliance with internal regulations, rules, policies, and processes in accordance with legal provisions and the Company’s Charter to ensure the prevention, detection, and timely handling of risks in the company’s business operations.

Functions - Missions

Establishing and organizing the implementation of compliance with internal regulations, rules, policies, and processes in accordance with legal provisions and the Company's Charter.
Developing internal control processes and establishing a system of internal control criteria.
Conducting a comprehensive assessment of compliance and preparing consolidated reports related to inspection and monitoring to ensure alignment with established requirements.
Developing a plan for implementing and coordinating internal control.

Internal Audit Department

124 Nguyen Dinh Chieu St., W. Vo Thi Sau , Dist. 3, Ho Chi Minh City

Tel: (84 -28) 3829 5794

(84 -28) 3824 5596

HR Organization

Mr. Nguyen Minh Hai

Kiểm soát nội bộ

99% Employee

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