The XIV Party cell Congress of the Staffing & Employment Services Center term of 2022 -2025


On 16th of August, 2022, at the head quarter of Service Company To Foreign Missions (FOSCO) (located at 124 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3), the Party cell of Staffing & Employment Services Center of FOSCO’s Party Committee hosted The XIV Party cell Congress, term of 2022 -2025.
The list of members who attended the Congress were Comrade Le Thi Hong Hau – Secretary of the Company’s Party Committee, Chairwoman of The Board of Members; Comrade Nguyen Tuong Minh, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, General Director; and all the comrades are representatives of the party cell under the Party Committee of the Company; Standing Committee of Trade Union; Standing Committee of the Youth Union of the company; and all party members of Staffing & Employment Services Center.
At the Congress, the delegates listened to summarizing reports term of 2020-2022, the direction of tasks for the term of 2022–2025; the committee review report; Election regulations, and The Personnel scheme to elect the proxies for the term of 2022–2025.  Also at the Congress, the party members of Staffing & Employment Services Center’s Party Cell raised their voices, and discussed the contents of all the reports, deeply demonstrating the party character and the strong fighting spirit of the party members of the party cell is highly appreciated by the higher level Party Committee.
The Congress conducted elections for the Party Cell, Party Cell’s Secretary, and Deputy Secretary. Particularly, the Party Cell of Staffing & Employment Services Center for the term 2022 – 2025 includes 03 comrades: Tong Thi Hong Nhung, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Thao, Nguyen Thi Hai Yen; in which Comrade Tong Thi Hong Nhung was elected for the position of Secretary of the Party cell; Comrade Nguyen Thi Ngoc Thao was elected as Deputy Secretary of the Party cell.
Speaking at the Congress, comrade Le Thi Hong Hau – Secretary of the Company’s Party Committee, Chairwoman of the Board of members praised the positive results of the Party cell achieved in the last term, and highly appreciate the content of the reports presented at the Congress. At the same time, the Party Committee of the Staffing & Employment Services Center is recognized for their diverse and discipline party cell activities, the party members have a strong proactive spirit, criticism, self-criticism, finish their ideological work, planning, training, and development of the Party in a successful way.
Comrade Le Thi Hong Hau congratulated 03 comrades on being elected for the term 2022-2025 and commented on the collective of 8 members of the Party cell for their solidarity, responsibility, and high Party character, this is also a solid basis to continue to develop the Party cell and achieve more positive results later on.
In order to let the Staffing & Employment Services Center Party cell successfully complete its duties in the term of 2022 – 2025, the Secretary of the Party Committee give suggestions to the Party cell:
– Continue to promote studying, following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality, and lifestyle, and implement the contents of Directive 05-CT/TW of the Politburo. Unite together, contribute, share and overcome the current difficulties of the Center and the Company; against the expressions and actions of factions, causing division and internal disunity. Mobilize 100% of the Party members and staff at the Center to study, and grasp the Resolution of the XII Party Congress. the resolution of the party congress at all levels and the resolutions of the XIII Central Committee.
– Mobilize all Party members of the Party cell to make the commitment to preserve the moral qualities, lifestyle, no signs of degradation, “self-evolution, self-transformation”; well-perform the “self-criticism and criticism”; constantly learning and fostering professional skills; preserving moral qualities and lifestyle; talk the talk, walk the walk; uphold responsibility, be exemplary, and a pioneer in observance of all rules and regulations, sense of discipline, abide by the assignment of the organization and fulfill their responsibilities and duties.
– Directing Party members to strictly observe the Party’s guidelines, policies, and resolutions, and the Government’s policies and laws, lead the trade union continue to mobilize employees and continue to implement safe, flexible, and effective measures in order to effectively control COVID-19 in Ho Chi Minh city under the direction of the Party Committee, the Company’s Board of Directors. Continue to direct the Party cell members to promote learning and following Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, morality, and lifestyle in association with the patriotic emulation movement.
Speaking at the end of the Congress, the Party cell Secretary Tong Thi Hong Nhung showed big gratitude to all the valuable guidance of Comrade Secretary of the Party Committee, all the comrades in the Party cell for trusting and electing her to the Party Cell, and on behalf of the Executive Committee of the Party cell, she promised to be determined to promote the spirit of solidarity to complete all the tasks well.