Dear Graduating CIass of 2022, we hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known. This year has been filled with learning opportunities for parents, students, and staff. We are eternally grateful for the great support this year that helped our students achieve their goals and complete the school year with great strength and optimism.
Friday, June 10th was a joyous day filled with pride and adoration for our graduates and their families. We celebrated their determination, talents, and academic achievements. Thank you grades 3 and 4 for your wonderful performance; it truly filled the celebration with happiness!
Kindergarten and Grade 5 did an amazing job displaying their speaking, singing, and dancing abilities. Thank you for the wonderful and memorable performances! We are extremely proud of our FIS alumni. And, we would like to remind them that FIS will always be their home. So, do come back and visit us and tell us about your great successes. We love you all very much!
FIS Parents, congratulations on this milestone. You have done an incredible job raising such wonderful citizens, and for that, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Thank you all, and have a wonderful summer!