FOSCO Leader attends Indian Cultural Event: Traditional Dance “Bharatanatyam”


On the evening of June 4th 2018 at HCMC University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Chairman of FOSCO Board of Members Ngô Anh Tuấn attended the Indian Cultural Event: Traditional Dance “Bharatanatyam” organised by the Consulate General of the Republic of India in HCMC.
Present at the event were Mr. Srikar Reddy – Consul General of India in HCMC, Mr. Huỳnh Minh Thiện – Chairman of HUFO.
The Dance group together with Madam Sreelatha Vinod – one of the best dancers of Bharatanatyam in India is going to perform in HCMC on June 4th and in Cần Thơ city on June 5th 2018.
Bharatanatyam is an Indian traditional dance coming from Tamil Nadu in the south of India. This dance is believed to have appeared 2000 years ago and was mentioned in many acient documents in India starting with Natya Shastra written by Bharata Muni (200BC to 200AD). Bharatanatyam is the dance pose that can be seen in many sculptures on rocks or metals put in temples in Tamil Nadu. In the east tower of Shiva Temple built in the 12th century in Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, many sculpture works can be found depicting 108 dance poses of Bharatanatyam. Similarly, we can find sculpture works with the Bharatanatyam dance poses in 3 Idian temples built by the Tamil in HCMC at the beginning of the 20th century: Mariamman, Thendayuttapani and Subramanium Swany.
Vietnam and India have a strong connection in civilization and culture, especially with Tamil Nadu since the old time. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, many Tamils from Pondicherry, a French colony at the time, immigrated to HCMC and other areas in Vietnam. They built temples and islamic mosques in HCMC at the beginning of the 20th century. These nearly 100 years-old temples and mosques are famous for their architectural beauty and are among the mutual cultural heritage of the two countries.
Vietnam is one of the critical pillars of India’s “Look East” policy. The bilateral relationship is based on trust, understanding and sharing views on different matters in the region and in the world. In his recent visit to Vietnam, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to Vietnam in September 2016 and the Strategic Partner Relationship was upgraded to Comprehensive Strategic Partner Relationship.
Last year was named “Friendship Year” with 3 very important events: one celebrating 45 years of diplomatic relationship, one celebrating 10 years of “Strategic Partner Relationship” between Vietnam and Inda, and one celebrating 25 years of the partner relationship between India and ASEAN. A chain of different cultural activities were held in Vietnam and India as part of many celebrating activities of “Friendship Year” in 2017.